OK - here's the first little bit of posting on this here thang. remember the "one(s) that got away"? No, not yer girl or boyfriend, but your first really unforgettable item, your favorite surfboard! I have a few that I'm kicking myself over and you can see the examples below. One was a David Nuuihwa Lightweight that I found in a skate shop in Atlanta (sometime in the 80's)?!?!? Rode it in Florida and it ripped!!!!! To this day, that was the BEST longboard that I've ever owned. I sold it dirt cheap to a woman who was buying it for her husband as a gift. Yeah, right. I think the guy sent her over to my house to bat her eyelashes and practically steal this gem from me. It worked, she drove off with it and I went in and had a beer. What a knucklehead. The second example is a Harbour Cheater. I bought this out of a marina in Ft. Pierce, Florida in the 70's. It had been sitting there forever and I got a DEAL on it. Rode it and LOVED it, but I only rode longboards in the summer back then. A friend of mine fell in love with it and would bug practically every day to sell it, trade it, whatever, he just wanted it! He finally got me half drunk and/or stoned one day and I traded it to him for a '66 Rambler. Great car, but the board is worth a shitload more these days. Knucklehead ...Here's a few more that I cringe over. I bought an old Rick U.F.O. off a fellow worker at a construction yard in '73. He sold it to me on the condition that I ride it and cherish it forever. It even had black Slipcheck on it. Of course I promised that i would love it until Hell froze over. The thing was a boat, you could ride a ripple for a gajillion miles on this beaut. It had a few dings and was a bit water logged. Being the budding young shaper that I was, I .. you guessed it - stripped the glass and resahaped it into a short single fin. But, seeing as it had taken on a bit of water, just as I was finishing up, it split down the stringer (center)!!! No, I didn't glass it (another mistake). That reminds me. Back in '69 I bought an old Harbour Cheater from the local surf shop for a song - you couldn't even give them away back then. Did I buy it to ride it? Well, kinda. The thing for amateur shapers back then was to buy old longboards and cut them down. I took it to the hotshot kid in our neighborhood to shape it. What a buncha idiots. The board didn't even ride worth a damn. And this was the SECOND board that I got from him (that one was crappy too). I know, I know, we were really stupid. I also had an Olympic that I got at a yardsale. That one was really old, but in great shape. It had a big old "D" fin and it was a heavy tanker. Rode it once and sold it. So there's the ones that got away on me. I wish I had photos of them all, but that might make me really cry like a baby. These couple of examples are bad enough. Let me know about the ones that got away on you. Photos welcome but not required .....
You link to "stoked surfboards" then post your blog on sways? ass clown. talk about a bad trip. go away and take your board discounters with you... preferably back to China.
Well Mike at Waveriders gallery - how DARE you call someone an "ass clown" that you don't even know! I link to NO ONE - THE BLOG SPOT PEOPLE DO THAT! I HATE Chinese boards almost as much as I hate ill informed, bad attitudes like yours! I've met a ton of creeps like you, you guys are a dime a dozen. Please tell everyone you know how much we suck - we need all the hits we can get! Who's the ass clown now?!?!? You make me laugh ....
Hey Mike, Bruce is right. He has no control over the AdSense links which are clustered by interest. Bruce has a surf site, therefore Google will put "surfing" related ads into the automated widget. AdSense is a way for Bruce to buy a couple beers once a month via the revenue the ad click-throughs provide. No one getting rich here either. Chill dude, life's too short.
Bruce, nice site. I'll post a link to your site on my blog, Srfnff. Keep up the good work and best of luck. Nostalgia Squared...what would that Harbour Cheater be worth today...I shudder to think. I'm crying with you bro.
srfnff - THANK YOU for coming to my aide! I need your url (I think?) to put on my cool stuff links/list ... I'm still learning how to lay this thing out and computer 'tarded sometimes. Oh,and excuse the cussing. Believe it or not, I'm a Christian too. Not a very good one sometimes, content for this site will be a conundrum for me to say the least! Thanks for checking us out and please stay tuned!!! I owe ya one!!!
No problem Bruce. I was really hoping to shed a little light on the subject and add to Mike's info re how AdSense and Google present the ads.
I've got more than a few friends who use AdSense. Sometimes you just have to take the good with the bad when it comes to products one may or may not like for various reasons. Like my friend Adam Wright (socalforecast.blogspot.com) says about AdSense...please click on the links, I need the fish tacos!
My blog address is: http://www.srfnff.blogspot.com/ I put your link under "Nostalgia Squared: A Blast From the Past." I hope you don't mind the literary license.
You don't owe me a thing friend, I'll just enjoy reading your blog as payment.
gary - Srfnff
Gary - thanks again! Take all the license you want, and I've put your link on my list. I'm a stay at home Dad, so this has been a blessing, and I'm getting hits from around the globe!!!! YEOWWWW!!!! How cool is that?!?!?! Ditto on the AdSense, I need baby shoes AND tacos!!!! Vaya Con Dios, thanks for being there!!!!
Thanks man x linking the garage...
this is hell of a blog ! !
im really into surf... Im an amateur trying to be more pro ! (LOL)
true...but still need more practice...
The problem is that I have to travel a lot in order to reach the beach...
I live between mountains and the nearest beach is at 500kms.
Great job and info here.
Thanks Pablo! We love your site and hope people here will check it out! Keep in touch!
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